
We are proud to be among the most innovative organizations in the world. As a world leader, we devote all our energy to innovation and the creation of the very best in maple products.

High production capacity

We harvest the sap from over 7 million maple trees across Canada. This impressive production figure is made possible by our use of the very latest technology, our rigorous quality control, and the proven expertise of our producers which has often been handed down from generation to generation.

Consistency of quality and flavour

Thanks to our patented technologies and proven production processes, we can ensure unchanging consistency of flavour in every lot of maple syrup. In fact, we guarantee that syrup purchased this year will have precisely the same taste as syrup bought last year.

Continuous supply

Citadelle is the only producer that uses stainless steel syrup tanks and climate-controlled warehouse conditions. We have an enormous storage capacity (over 2.7 million litres) under optimal conditions for the preservation of quality. That means we are able to ship a constant and reliable supply of syrup year round.

Product traceability

With our unique lot numbering system, we can follow our products throughout the manufacturing process. In this way we can ensure complete transparency for our production, letting you pinpoint the exact origin of our products.

An R&D team dedicated to innovation

Our research and development activities are aimed at moving the world of culinary possibility forward. Our efforts have resulted in a number of prestigious awards. Our R&D team is at the forefront of recent industry innovations in the processing, packaging and warehousing of maple syrup.  And we remain devoted to the creation of new products that meet the specific needs of our customers.